Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hmm no one knows that I'm fiddling about on here yet, so I guess I'm writing to myself... how embarrassing.


the mother said...

hello bunny
it is freezing here in the west and warm in toronto. the whole global warming thang is making canadian weather crazy. i even have to scrape ice off my car - so boring. the supreme one is missing you, eating slepping, and getting her hair cut. woof. miss kitty is constantly lying on her heated spot, when she's not out prowling for birds and mice.
signed, imyourmother

maya said...

Scraping ice? It's so beneath you.

Anonymous said...

My mother does not scrape ice. She waits -in the tub- until the day comes to its senses. I scrape ice while the dog barks at squirrels from the safety of inside of the car and the toddler thinks up things he wants me to get for him. "Apple juice. I want some apple juice! Get me a snack mommy. Let's go. Mommmyyy! Go mommy! ...Where we going mommy?"

I dream of warmer Toronto. And I dream of very dry martinis.

maya said...

Well it's been real chilly here, but it hasn't been as bad as it can be. I've only had to double my mitts and dust off my legwarmers a couple of times.

A Danish martini is vermouth with ice. Grody. To the max.